Sunday, September 4, 2016


You’re reading the story of a cat and his friend, written by the cat.

You may already be confused.

Can I offer some advice before your mind fills up with obvious but frivolous questions? Release them. I’ll try and answer a few but you’re not going to care for my answers.

How did I do this? It doesn't matter.

Can cats understand what people say? I can, yes.

What about other cats? You’ll have to ask them. The only other cats I ever knew were my brothers and sister and mothercat. We never encountered people.

You can understand us -- why can’t we understand you? I don’t know.

How did you manage to write a book? It wasn’t easy, let me tell you.

How do I know what I know? I think the best course is not to worry about that and just pay attention to the story, If you get hung up on the rest of that stuff you’re going to feel like I do two hours before a hairball comes up.

And that is the introduction to this book. I don’t know how this compares to other introductions in other books. I’ve never read another book.


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